The BSC Group consists of seasoned professionals with over three decades of expertise in elite sports, particularly football. Our team includes former professional players, FIFA-certified trainer instructors, accomplished coaches, and individuals with extensive management experience. We possess a profound understanding of the needs of youth, clubs, and the community of supporters surrounding the club.


Excelling in football is common, but reaching the professional level is a select achievement.

The core principle of elite sports is to groom talent for the highest level of professionalism. Engaging in high-intensity matches is the most effective means for a player’s development. These intense competitions help enhance one’s mindset, physical abilities, skills, understanding of high-level football, and provide exposure to diverse football cultures. This holistic experience ultimately instills a “top sport mentality.” Our concept centers on 16 professional teams coming together to challenge each other, demonstrating their football skills, cultures, mindsets, and a comprehensive range of abilities in a prestigious international tournament, all under the fairest play methodology.”


Amir Hashemi - Project Director
Amir Hashemi

Project Director

Hengameh Hashemi - CEO
Hengameh Mo


Daan Disveld

Manager Operations

Jeroen Gosgens
Jeroen Gösgens

Strategic Advisor

Milos Mitrovic
Milos Mitrovic

Sponsoring& Marketing

Aria Hashemi
Aria Hashemi

Sponsoring & Marketing


Alireza Jahanbakhsh
"NEC holds a special place in my heart"

“Joining international youth tournaments is a fantastic opportunity for young players.
They can have fun playing, learning from different cultures, and test their skills against diverse football styles. These tournaments offer them a platform to shine and showcase their abilities. I’m living proof of this.

NEC scouts noticed me during tournaments in UAE and Qatar.
They welcomed me warmly into their club, allowing me to prove myself. NEC holds a special place in my heart, playing a significant role
in my life. I’m confident this tournament will stand out as one of the best of its kind, and create opportunities for many more like me.”

Jasper Cillessen
"Nijmegen on the global stage"

The Novio Talent Cup creates unforgettable moments for players and all those involved.
The fact that this tournament is being held at NEC is a wonderful opportunity that will place
both NEC and the city of Nijmegen on the global stage.

Here, participants not only have the chance to demonstrate their skills to peers from around the world but also to forge new football friendships and explore the immense world of football.
This tournament offers a unique prospect to embrace one’s passion for football and to develop personally and as part of a team.
It is poised to be a successful tournament in a remarkable location.

Wilco van Schaik | NEC Director

Welcome to Noviomagus!
Dear participants, staff, volunteers, and other stakeholders,

We are on the eve of a new international sports event in Nijmegen. Just as the city’s slogan says, ‘Old city, young vibe,’ this tournament demonstrates why you are more than welcome in Nijmegen.

The original Noviomagus, founded by the Romans two thousand years ago and translated as ‘New Market,’ is now better known as Nijmegen. There, on the banks of the Waal River, lies our ancient Imperial City, characterized by its youthful spirit. With one of the largest universities in the Netherlands, the world’s largest walking event along with its summer festivities, a bustling city center, and a wide range of activities, Nijmegen is a true paradise for Dutch and international youth alike. A proud and significant part of this historic city is our club, N.E.C. An old club with a rich history that invests in the development of young players and talents.

The Novio Talent Cup is born from the combination of old and young. The oldest workers’ club in the Netherlands welcomes you to the new international U16 football tournament. I am more than proud that our club has been able to bring this tournament to fruition and to witness talented youth selections compete on our ‘De Eendracht’ complex. Once again, we go into battle, just like in the past, but in our own way, with a ‘young vibe.’

Welkom in Noviomagus
Beste deelnemers, staf, vrijwilligers en andere betrokkenen,

We staan aan de vooravond van een nieuw internationaal topsportevenement in Nijmegen. Net zoals de slogan van de stad al zegt; ‘Old city, young vibe’, laat dit toernooi zien waarom jullie meer dan welkom zijn in Nijmegen. Het oorspronkelijke Noviomagus, tweeduizend jaar geleden opgericht door de Romeinen en vertaald als ‘Nieuwe Markt’, nu beter bekend als Nijmegen.

Daar aan de boorden van de Waal, daar ligt onze oude Keizerstad, gekenmerkt door zijn jeugdige uitstraling. Met één van de grootste universiteiten van Nederland, het grootste wandelevenement ter wereld met de bijbehorende zomerfeesten, het bruisende stadscentrum en een breed scala aan activiteiten, is Nijmegen een waar paradijs voor de Nederlandse en internationale jeugd. Een trots en groot onderdeel van deze historische stad is onze club N.E.C. Een oude club met een rijke historie die investeert in de ontwikkeling van jongeren en talenten.

De Novio Talent Cup vloeit voort uit de combinatie van oud en jong. De oudste arbeidersclub van Nederland verwelkomt jullie op hét nieuwe internationale o16. voetbaltoernooi. Ik ben meer dan trots dat wij als club dit toernooi tot uitvoering hebben kunnen brengen en om talentvolle jeugdselecties op ons complex ‘De Eendracht’ te kunnen zien strijden. Weer trekken wij ten strijde, net zoals vroeger, maar wel op ónze manier, met een ‘young vibe’.